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External Evaluation Report reveals remarkable impact of SportAccord 2024

The SportAccord World Sport & Business Summit 2024, held in Birmingham in April, brought together…...

IF Forum 2024 – 3 things to know

We’re less than two months away from this year’s IF (International Federation) Forum – SportAccord’s…...

SPORTACCORD 2024 INSIGHTS: Festivalisation of major sport events

Festivalisation – exciting festival-style programming, ultimately designed to produce the “wow” response from event goers…...

“SportAccord is a unique event, bringing together International Federations, high-level sports leaders and representatives for countless destinations”

Lars Lundov
CEO, Sport Event Denmark

“Being able to share my opinion with such a groundbreaking audience has been truly amazing”

Alice Dearing
Olympic Marathon Swimmer, Global Diversity Advocate, Gamer

“For me it is great to see the world of sports coming together in this lovely setting and with such fantastic organisation”

Yiannis Exarchos
CEO, Olympic Broadcasting Services